Trend Prediction & Research

-Market Research & competitor analysis
-Trend prediction 
-Customer analysis 
-Colour palette with panonte codes
-Mood boards
Design Development

-Collection Building
-Range Plan
-Hand sketched designs
- Fabric Research and sourcing
Garment Design

- Computer CAD designs
- Factory ready Technical Packs
-Factory pairing and communication
​​​​​​​We will arrange an initial chat where you can tell me about you and your vision for your brand and collection. You can share with me your ideas with me along with any inspiration images you have.
Then, I will design your garments, keeping your customer profile, price point, and objectives in mind.
Once you are happy with the finished designs, the technical packs are created. These contain key design and make-up details that are vital for the manufacturers to understand your vision. This will ensure the best outlook, fit, and quality of your garments.
You will be involved throughout the creative process and I love to have your input and feedback at every stage.
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